15 Foods That Increase Estrogen in The Human Body
Balanced hormones are needed for good health. Estrogen, specifically, is vital for a woman’s sexual and reproductive health. Low estrogen levels, mostly during menopause, can lead to issues like insomnia and low libido. Though you can seek medical treatment like hormone replacement therapy, there are certain foods that increase estrogen and we will go over 15 of them.
The question you probably would want to ask is, can food increase estrogen levels? Yes, it can. Certain plant-based foods have phytoestrogen known as dietary estrogen, which when in the body, is able to mimic estrogen effects.
Certain phytoestrogen can increase estrogen levels, while others decrease estrogen levels. This article is centered on foods that increase estrogen levels.
Foods That Increase Estrogen in the Human Body
The following is a list of 15 foods that increase estrogen.
1. Soybeans
Soybeans are said to be a good source of isoflavone, as are other soybean products like tempeh, tofu, and edamame.
The isoflavone present in soybean products is known to reduce the risk of breast cancer, regulate menopause symptoms, as well as reduce high cholesterol levels, and the risk of heart disease.
2. Flaxseeds
These tiny brown seeds are endowed with phytoestrogen lignans. In actual fact, they are 800 times richer in lignans than any other food and studies have revealed that they are particularly good for women having menopause symptoms.
This type of phytoestrogen in flaxseeds also helps to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
3. Cashew Nuts
Cashew Nuts
Filled with both lignans and isoflavone, cashew nuts are also said to be a great source of phytoestrogen.
In addition, cashews are loaded with magnesium, which is needed for sound sleep and reduces the risk of brittle bones during postmenopausal years.
4. Chickpeas
Filled with magnesium, calcium, and fiber, which improves bone density and digestion, phytoestrogen also present in chickpeas, makes them an incredible snack for women experiencing low estrogen levels in menopause.
Also abundant is isoflavone called biochanin A. Research has proven that biochanin A not only regulates menopause symptoms but also reduces the growth of cancer cells.
5. Dried Fruits
Dried Fruits
Besides being tasty, healthy, and filled with fiber, dried fruits are also a wonderful source of phytoestrogen for those who want to increase estrogen levels.
Dried apricots have the highest quantity of phytoestrogen, followed by dates, prunes, and raisins.
The huge amounts of lignans and isoflavone in these dried fruits help to reduce menopause symptoms like mood swings, hot flashes, and the risks of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
6. Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous Vegetables
Along with their vast collection of nutrients, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts, cruciferous veggies contain huge amounts of phytoestrogen.
Cauliflower and broccoli contain high amounts of a lignan called secoisolariciresinol, which is known to prevent hormone-related cancers such as endometrium cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer.
On the other hand, Brussels sprouts and cabbage are loaded with a phytoestrogen called coumestrol, which improves bone density and regulates other menopause symptoms.
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7. Alfalfa Sprouts
Alfalfa Sprouts
Talking of bone health, alfalfa sprouts contain good amounts of phytoestrogen, called coumestans.
Research has revealed that coumestans are incredibly helpful in reducing the risk of osteoporosis by increasing bone density and mineralization, as well as regulating menopause symptoms.
8. berries
Blackberries, cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries all help to raise estrogen levels.
Besides being loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, berries contain a high amount of phytoestrogen lignans.
9. Sesame Seeds
Sesame Seeds
Filled with amazing nutrients like vitamin B6, copper, vitamin E, zinc, and iron; sesame seeds are also rich in phytoestrogen.
Recent research revealed that women who eat as little as 50g of sesame seeds daily for five weeks had increased estrogen and low cholesterol levels.
10. Peaches
Peaches are one of the most deliciously juicy fruits and filled with minerals and vitamins, peaches are a wonderful source of phytoestrogen like lignans.
Interestingly, many studies revealed that women who eat food rich in lignans will not only experience fewer menopause symptoms but also a 15% decrease in the risk of breast cancer.
11. Chocolate
Chocolate belongs to a class of phenolic compounds called catechins. This group also has tea, cocoa, and berries.
Chocolate contains phytoestrogen, which has a similar structure to compounds of estrogen that circulate in the blood.
12. Garlic
Regular garlic intake can reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and prevent clots and other heart disease.
Research reveals garlic intake can affect estrogen levels, perhaps reducing age-related bone loss. However, to understand this effect, more research is required.
13. Red Wine
Red Wine
Red wine is laden with resveratrol, a phytoestrogen believed to reduce heart disease risk by managing cholesterol levels.
Another study revealed that phytoestrogen in red wine could prevent cancer cell growth, particularly in postmenopausal women.
14. Nuts
herbs Nuts
Nuts like almonds, peanuts, cashews, and pistachios are a rich source of heart-friendly phytoestrogen.
They’re simple to add to your diet. But since most nuts have high fat and calorie content, ensure you limit your intake to the recommended serving.
15. Tofu
Tofu is prepared with coagulated soy milk mold into firm white blocks. It’s a common plant-based protein source, particularly in vegetarian diets.
It’s also a good source of phytoestrogen, mostly isoflavone.
It has one of the highest isoflavone content of any soy product. And while soy milk has a smaller isoflavone content, it’s still a great source.
Estrogen is one of the key hormones associated with sexual and reproductive health in women. In menopause, however, estrogen levels could drop, leading to symptoms like mood swings and poor libido.
You need not worry though, as the foods shared in this guide will help you increase your estrogen level naturally.
While dietary estrogen increases estrogen levels in women, it is advisable to consult your doctor if you experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above and also check your estrogen levels regularly.