Top 10+ Foods That Cause Gout Attacks
Gout is a kind of arthritis that causes joint inflammation. Gout patients have sudden and severe bouts of joint pain, edema, and inflammation. Sadly, there are certain foods that cause gout and here we shall go over some of them.
The body is known to manufacture uric acid naturally by breaking down compounds called purines found in certain diets and beverages.
The kidneys are in charge of filtering uric acid from your blood and regulating its levels.
However, the body can manufacture uric acid in huge amounts, making it difficult to manage. This leads to increased uric acid in your body, which produces gout.
Sharp uric acid crystals then accumulate in your joints, which gives discomfort and swelling.
Foods That Cause Gout Attacks
Gout, as previously stated, is a condition characterized by high levels of uric acid in your blood. Purines, a component found in certain food, are responsible for the formation of uric acid.
Here are some foods to avoid if you want to lower your risk of gout.
1. Vegetables high in purine
vegetables high in purine
Asparagus, peas, spinach, mushrooms, and many other vegetables are high in purine.
These vegetables are rich in purine, which leads to an increase in uric acid, thus they should be avoided or taken in moderation if they are added to your diet.
Individuals having gout should also avoid vegetables such as spinach, eggplant, tomatoes, and cauliflower.
2. Fruits high in fructose
Fruits high in fructose
Fructose has been linked to an increase in uric acid levels in the body. As a result, it has been proposed that fructose-rich fruits be consumed in moderation.
Fruits high in fructose include jackfruit, apples, grapes, pear, blueberries, bananas, and other fruits that should be avoided.
Consider eating fruits with lower sugar levels and foods that will not stimulate your gout symptoms.
3. Foods and drinks are high in sugar
Foods and drinks are high in sugar
Individuals having gout should avoid high-sugar foods and beverages.
This is because they contain sugars like fructose have been associated with an increase in uric acid levels in the blood. Fructose sugar is dangerous for people suffering from gout.
A clear link has been found between sugar and an increase in gout symptoms, and it has been reported that ingesting 2 servings of sugar or sweet beverages daily increases the likelihood of gout by 85%.
Candies, bakery goods, fruit juices, sweetened cereals, and other sugary foods should be avoided.
4. Soda
Foods and drinks are high in sugar
Fructose is commonly used to make several types of soda. When the body processes fructose, it converts it into purines, which are known to raise uric acid levels.
Sugary drinks raise blood acid levels, and persons who drink such sodas or juices frequently may be at a high risk of developing gout.
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5. Red meat
Red meat
Purines are abundant in red meat. This means if you want to control your uric acid levels, you should avoid eating red meat.
To limit the chance of an increase in uric acid levels, avoid eating meat from animals such as cattle and bison.
6. Organ meat
Organ meat
Individuals suffering from gout should avoid organ meats such as liver. This is because of the high quantities of purines found in organ meats, which raise uric acid levels.
Eating organ meats can induce an increase in gout attacks and make them more frequent.
Organ meats from livestock with red meat, in particular, can be highly harmful since they contain larger levels of purines than white meat.
White meat is OK on occasion; nevertheless, people must eat it moderately.
Organ meats include organ meats such as heart, tongue, liver, and kidneys. Soups and gravies made with meat, as well as processed meats such as pepperoni and salami, could increase gout attacks.
7. Fish and shellfish
Fish and shellfish
Certain varieties of seafood are thought to have unusually high purine levels. These include salmon, tuna, and trout, which have high quantities of purines and can easily raise uric acid levels.
However, if you want to reap the various health benefits linked with these fish, you should eat them moderately, that is after contacting your doctor.
Muscles, squid, shrimp, scallops, oysters, crab, and lobster should also not be eaten often because they might raise uric acid levels if in excess.
8. Alcohol
Since alcohol is the enemy of gout, people must avoid drinking alcohol. Beer drinking is known to boost uric acid levels by 6.5%, according to a study.
In addition, nonalcoholic beer elevated uric acid levels by 4.4%. Since different alcohol has varying degrees of purine content, you should be cautious while taking alcohol, to not provoke another gout episode.
Although alcoholic beverages raise uric acid levels because the body converts alcohol to uric acid, a reasonable amount of wine, according to a study, may not influence gout or produce an upset.
9. Yeast
Yeast has a high concentration of purines. That’s why it’s on the list of foods to avoid if you have gout.
To prevent uric acid spikes, avoid foods that include yeast or yeast extracts. Soy sauces, frozen food, canned soups, and salty snacks are examples of foods that may have yeast extracts.
10. Refined carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates
Refined carbs like bread, cakes, and pastries might elevate your uric acid levels.
They are also considered uric acid foods to stay away from if you have an abnormally high uric acid level.
11. Saturated and Trans Fats
Trans Fats
Saturated and trans-fat-rich foods, like fried foods, fast food, and packaged snacks, can cause inflammation in the body.
Inflammation promotes the development of uric acid crystals, which contribute to gout attacks. Choose heart-healthy fats like nuts, seeds, and olive oil.
Gout management is more than just avoiding specific foods; it also entails adopting intelligent dietary choices that promote general well-being.
Individuals with gout can lessen the frequency and intensity of painful flare-ups by avoiding foods that cause gout like sugary beverages, alcohol, and processed foods.