Foods That Help With Constipation

20 Foods That Help With Constipation

What you eat could be the difference if you have constipation (difficulty in bowel movement) or not. Certain meals can provide comfort, while others can aggravate the situation. Here are 20 foods that help with constipation.


Constipation is a painful and unpleasant condition that can happen to anyone.

Constipation affects over 16 percent of adults in the United States, with symptoms including feeling blocked, straining or hard stools, and being unable to pass a stool.


Increasing your fiber intake could be a natural and efficient way to reduce constipation symptoms.

Foods That Help With Constipation

People’s bowels react differently to different foods. The following are foods that help with constipation.

1. Veggies

Image Source: holidaycalendar

Eating a variety of colorful veggies is without a doubt one of the finest strategies to cure constipation.

Vegetables are high in fiber and contain laxative effects that keep your feces from getting excessively stiff or difficult to clear. They also contain a lot of water, despite their appearance.


While eating veggies fresh is best, grilling, blanching, steaming, roasting, and even stir-frying them can provide plenty of fiber and other critical nutrients.

Broccoli, carrots, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, eggplant, green peas, beets, collard greens, and other high-fiber foods that help with constipation

2. Prunes

Image Source: parenting.firstcry

Prunes are a variety of plum that is well-known for being one of the greatest meals for constipation.


One cup of raw prunes has more than 12 grams of fiber. Moreso, they contain sorbitol, which serves as a natural laxative to prevent and relieve constipation.

Drinking prune juice can also help with constipation and is an excellent substitute for raw prunes if you can’t locate them. Since prune juice is usually heavy in sugar, choose juices that have no added sugar.

One study released in the American Journal of Gastroenterology discovered that drinking prune juice every day for three weeks provided significant relief to those suffering from persistent constipation.


3. Brown Rice

Brown Rice
Image Source: parenting.firstcry
Brown Rice

Brown rice is a staple in many people’s diets around the world and for good reason. Because of its high fiber content, this is one of the greatest foods for constipation.

Unrefined brown rice keeps all of its fiber content, unlike white rice, which has lost its bran and germ in the refining process.

One cup of cooked brown rice has around three grams of fiber. Try brown rice and cooked vegetables for a delectable, fiber-rich lunch.


4. Walnuts

Image Source: sentinelassam

When you have constipation, walnuts are one of the finest things to reach for.

One cup of walnuts has roughly eight grams of fiber, making them, along with almonds and pecans, one of the most fiber-rich nuts.

Moreso, walnuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help with constipation by softening the intestinal walls and allowing feces to move more readily.


5. Oats

Image Source: parenting.firstcry

Oats are vastly underappreciated. They are a powerhouse of important minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that aid in intestinal health, making them one of the top foods that help with constipation.

Oats are also remarkably versatile. The most basic method to eat them is to create oatmeal, but they can also be found in handmade bread, casseroles, and even meatballs.

A cup of cooked oats contains around four grams of fiber. To obtain the maximum fiber from your oats, try oat groats, whole grain oats, and oat bran.

6. Water

Image Source: whirlpool

Adequate hydration is crucial in order to maintain regular bowel movements. Drinking enough water softens stool and helps it move through the digestive tract more easily.

Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to stay properly hydrated and prevent constipation.

7.  Apples

Image Source: finedininglovers

Apples contain a lot of fiber. One medium apple with skin (about 200 grams) contains 4.8 grams of fiber.

Apples contain pectin, which has a variety of benefits, including increasing stool rate, reducing stool hardness and duration, and reducing the need for laxatives.

Apples are simple, yet effective ways to increase your fiber intake and relieve constipation. You can eat them whole or add them to salads or baked items.


8. Watermelon

Image Source: timesrecordnews

It doesn’t have much fiber, but it’s 92% water, which can help with bowel movements.

It’s also high in nutrients, including antioxidants that help preserve your cells, vitamins A, B, and C, and lycopene, which protects you from UV radiation.

9. Yogurt

Image Source: culturesforhealth

Yogurt contains probiotics, which are healthy bacteria that help with digestion and intestinal health.

Probiotics help in regular bowel movements by maintaining a healthy balance of gut bacteria. To get the digestion benefits, choose yogurt with live and active organisms.

10. Soybeans

Image Source: world-grain

Soybeans are legumes that are most commonly eaten as tofu. They are also used in several vegetable-based cuisines as a meat alternative.

Soybeans provide 17 grams of fiber per cup, making them one of the best foods that helps with constipation. Cooking or boiling soybeans does not reduce their fiber content.

Sadly, drinking soy milk will not help because the majority of the fiber in soybeans is removed during the process of production.

11. Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds
Image Source: odishatv
Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are another multipurpose food that can aid with constipation relief. Chia seeds can be found in pudding, jellies, overnight oats, smoothies, salads, and other recipes.

The high fiber content of chia seeds makes them one of the best for constipation. There are about 10 grams of fiber in one ounce of dried chia seeds.

Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, which aid digestion. According to some research, they can also help maintain a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria.

12 Berries

Image Source: yummly

Berries, with their high fiber and water content, are one of the best foods that help with constipation.

Berries are high in soluble fiber, which creates a gel in your digestive tract and adds bulk and softness to your stool. Berries also have insoluble fiber in their skin and seeds, which aids in the passage of food through the intestines and prevents constipation.

Raspberries are particularly effective at relieving constipation. Adults require 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day, and one cup of raw raspberries contains eight grams of fiber.

Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and cranberries are some berries to eat to prevent and fix constipation.

13. Pears

Image Source: helpfulhorsehints

5.5 grams of fiber are found in a medium-sized pear (178 grams).

Pears also contain sorbitol and fructose, both of which have laxative characteristics. Fructose is a form of sugar that is slowly absorbed because the majority of it is metabolized by your liver.

This indicates that unabsorbed fructose could make water enter your intestines and soften your stools.

However, additional study is needed to confirm these benefits.

Pears can be included in your diet in several ways. They go well with salads, savory dishes, and baked products, either raw or cooked.

14. Kiwi

Image Source: essentialhomme

Kiwis are a high-fiber fruit that may be eaten on its own or added to smoothies and fruit salads. One kiwi (75 g) has around 2.3 g of fiber.

Kiwis are good for your metabolism, immune system, and digestion. They may aid in constipation relief by increasing stool consistency, shortening stool time, and reducing stomach strain, pain, and discomfort.

This could possibly be attributed to the enzyme actinidin, which has been shown to improve gut motility and bowel habits.

15. Ginger

Image Source: nairaland

Ginger has long been used to aid digestion and ease stomach pain. It can help relax the intestinal muscles, resulting in smoother bowel motions.

For digestive advantages, add raw ginger to your meals or drink ginger tea.

17. Figs

Image Source: credihealth

A half-cup (50 g) of dried figs has 7.3 g of fiber.

Eating 10.6 ounces (300 grams) of fig paste daily for 16 weeks helped expedite colonic movement, improve stool uniformity, and decrease stomach discomfort in a study of 40 persons with constipation.

On their own, figs are a delectable snack. They go well with both sweet and delectable meals, including cheese, meat, and baked products.

18. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits
Image Source: crowdfarming
Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits such as grapefruits, oranges, and mandarins are both refreshing and high in fiber.

One orange (154 g) has 3.7 g of fiber, while a grapefruit (308 g) has approximately 5 g. Citrus fruit peels are high in pectin, which may aid in colonic transit and relieve constipation.

Citrus fruits also contain naringenin, a flavanol. Mice studies indicate that this could have laxative properties. More human study is needed, however, to substantiate these advantages.

Take citrus fruits fresh to get the most fiber and vitamin C. Oranges and mandarins make great snacks, while grapefruit is great in salads or sliced in half for breakfast.

19. Coffee

Image Source: healthcentral

Scientists are perplexed by this one: it causes some people to poop, but nobody understands why.

It’s most likely not the caffeine, as studies indicate that even decaffeinated versions work for certain people.

One suggestion is that it has an effect on the lining of your stomach and small intestine, or that it is linked to a hormone that causes your intestines to contract. That could come in handy the next time you need to use the restroom.

20. Broccoli

Image Source: trees

Broccoli, like beans, has a high fiber content. It’s also rich in nutrients and low in calories.

Eat broccoli raw for the most fiber bang for your buck, as heating it can lower its fiber content.

If you prefer your broccoli cooked, try broiling, steaming, or baking it to save calories. To enhance flavor, toss it with a small bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper.


Constipation prevention entails more than just dietary decisions, but the foods you eat can play an important part in promoting healthy digestion.

You can boost regular bowel movements and overall digestive well-being by including water, fiber-rich foods, and natural cures like prunes, kiwi, yogurt, and other foods that help with constipation in your diet.
