Foods That Start With B

30 Foods That Start With B in the World

When you think of foods that start with B, what comes to your mind? Banana and bread obviously. interestingly there are more B foods than you know and we will go over 30 of them.

This B food series is a fun place to start if you have ever wanted to try new foods and expand your horizons but don’t know where to start.

Foods That Start With B

Below are some fun foods that start with B you should try.

1. Borscht

Image Source: outlookindia

Borscht is a special soup from Ukraine with a purple color from beetroot, one of the main ingredients. This soup is also known as red beet soup, prepared with Chinese cabbage, beetroot, and tomatoes.

Traditionally, it’s prepared with any meat, but you can add your favorite leafy green veggie if you’re a vegan. For instance, Ukrainians use lamb, goose, chicken, duck, and beef meat for borscht. It is a lot like a stew because of its thickness.

2. Barley Soup

barley soup
Image Source: myfitnesspal
barley soup

It’s a soup prepared with barley grain. Most times pearled barley is used (with removed husks) to prepare this soup. You can add a variety of vegetables like carrots, zucchini, kidney beans, and mushrooms to the soup.

If you seek something filling and satisfying, then barley soup is your food. It has an extra chewy texture and a delicious taste.

3. Biryani

Image Source: slurrp

Biryani is a Pakistani dish prepared with tomatoes, meat, basmati rice, and other spices. It’s one of the most common foods eaten for lunch and dinner in Karachi and Lahore. Even though beef is always preferred, you can use any meat,

Biryani is also very common in India, but the Indian versin doesn’t have meat and is prepared only with rice and vegetables like lima beans, bell peppers, and Brazil nuts.

Other variations use dry fruits. If spicy food is your thing, you should try Biryani at least once.

4. Buffalo Wings

 Buffalo Wings
Image Source: giraffefoods
Buffalo Wings

Buffalo wings are like chicken wings, only they come in smaller pieces. As the name implies, they are served with buffalo sauce prepared with Worcestershire sauce, vinegar, spices, butter, and hot sauce.

No butter or batter is used in deep frying buffalo wings, this is why they have a crispy texture. Buffalo wings can be made at home; the recipe is simple and easy to follow.

5. Beef

Image Source: recipe30

Beef is the red meat from a cow, and one of the most common types of meats all over. There are a lot of ways beef meat can be cooked, including Bolognese, kebabs, beef stroganoff, beef stew, steaks, meatballs, beef casseroles, and lots more.

Depending on factors like the animal’s lifestyle, breed, diet, and age, beef can vary in taste and quality.

6. Banh Mi

Banh Mi
Image Source: contentednesscookingi
Banh Mi

Banh Mi is a kind of Vietnamese sandwich prepared with pickled vegetables, cilantro, mayo, pate, chilies, green onions, ham, and crusty bread.

Banh Mi offers a taste similar to ham sandwiches, but more refreshing because of the added veggies and herbs.

7. Bigos Stew

Bigos Stew
Image Source: 3seaseurope
Bigos Stew

Bigos Stew is a traditional stew in Poland prepared with different types of spicy sausages.

It’s a meaty food where any kind of meat can be used, like beef, lamb, venison, chicken, and lots more. White cabbages and sauerkraut are added for extra flavor.

Bigos stew is usually paired with bread (gluten-free) or mashed potatoes and makes a great family dish for people in Poland.

8. Bolognese

Image Source: saveur

Bolognese is a delicious dish made with a rich meat sauce that your family should try. It’s a traditional dish from Italy that has a lot of variations.

The traditional Bolognese is prepared with minced beef, Worcestershire sauce, tomatoes, and other vegetables.

You can replace beef with lentils for vegan-friendly Bolognese. This Mediterranean meal is usually served with pasta, potatoes, spaghetti, and brown rice.

9. Burrito

Image Source: travelfoodatlas

Burritos are delicious meals prepared with tortillas with a rich filling. Usually, the filling can be made with ground beef, green beans, and white rice.

But other variations with filling are made from slightly spicy chicken, beef chili, jackfruit, corn, vegetarian chili, beans, etc.

Some versions have lime juice which gives Burritos an extra push in flavor. You top your filling with sour cream or guacamole, salsa, and churning cream before adding it to tortillas.


10. Black Cod

Black Cod
Image Source: icystraitseafoods
Black Cod

Black cod is a healthy food filled with omega-3 fatty acids. It has a buttery flavor, unlike regular codfish. It’s native to Alaska and Canada and has white flesh and grey skin.

It is also known as butterfish or sablefish. The beauty of this fish lies in its versatility as it can be pan-roasted, grilled, smoked, or eaten raw.

11. Bourbon Chicken

Bourbon Chicken
Image Source: heartlandcooking
Bourbon Chicken

Bourbon Chicken is a tasty recipe that has a sticky and slightly sweet taste. It’s prepared with seasoned chicken thighs coated in cornstarch before frying.

Apple cider vinegar, apple juice, and soy sauce are added to create a unique sauce. A slow-cooked chicken is then added.

12. Broccoli

Image Source: trees

Broccoli is one of the healthiest leafy greens. It has a lot of anti-inflammatory antioxidants that prevent heart disease. Broccoli is also laden with vitamin C and also gives a lot of energy.

For maximum nutrition, try picking deep purple-colored broccoli. Also, it is best when steamed rather than when fried, this is to preserve its nutritional content.

13. Bananas

Image Source: eluneblue

Banana is closely related to lilies and orchids, and some people say they are herbs and not fruits. Whatever the case may be, banana, South America’s most popular fruit/herb is nutritious.

Bananas give a lot of prebiotic fiber when eaten unripe. Fully ripe bananas can be blended to make smoothies and can also be added to desserts like a trifle.

14. Butternut Squash

 Butternut Squash
Image Source: goodhousekeeping
Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is a delicious fruit that is sweet and nutritious, just like any other type of squash. Technically, it is a fruit with a blood-orange color that can be eaten in a number of ways.

You can roast it, topped with herbs or sea salt to make a delicious dish. This fruit is rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, and fiber and gives lots of health benefits irrespective of how you eat it.

15. Bacon Sandwiches

Bacon Sandwiches
Image Source: chefjanetk
Bacon Sandwiches

Bacon Sandwiches is a sandwich of Bacon with tomatoes and lettuce. This sandwich trendy in the UK originated in North or Central America. It is usually made using eggs, bacon,

lettuce, French Bread, and tomatoes, and sometimes mayonnaise.

16. Bagel

Image Source: MerryBoosters

Bagel or beigel is a ring-shaped bread invented by Poland’s Jewish community. It was traditionally hand-shaped, boiled, and then baked.

Bagels can be topped with cream cheese or buttered and eaten for breakfast. Bagel sandwiches are also delicious.

17. Baba Au Rhum

Baba Au Rhum
Image Source: slurrp
Baba Au Rhum

Baba Au Rhum, also known as Rum Babas, is a cake with whipped cream with topping. This cake is usually doused in a rum-based syrup before adding whipped cream.

The three main ingredients for making baba au rhum are cake batter, glaze, and rum syrup.

Cinnamon, ginger, and citrus fruits are also added. They shape the special taste of this desert. The cake’s texture on the other hand depends on the quality of the alcoholic syrup used.

18. Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts
Image Source: zonacooks
Brussels sprouts

Brussel sprouts of the Brassicaceae family of vegetables are closely related to kale, mustard greens, and cauliflower.

This cruciferous veggie looks like mini cabbages and is usually cleaned, cut, and cooked for a main course or nutritious side dish.

Brussel sprouts are loaded with nutrients and can be added to other sprouts like adzuki, garbanzo, green pea, mung bean, black beans, lentils, black-eyed peas soybean, kidney bean, and snow pea.

19. Brownies

Image Source: oetker

Brownies have become increasingly popular lately. Brownies for all kinds of diets like paleo brownies, keto brownies, vegan brownies, and lots more are now common.

There are also brownies to trick kids into eating healthily like beet brownies, avocado brownies, and sweet potato brownies.

20. Boston Cream Pie

Boston Cream Pie
Image Source: bakingmad
Boston Cream Pie

Interestingly, it is not a pie, contrary to what the name implies. Rather, it’s a cake with layers that originated in Boston. It is called pie and not cake because it’s usually made on a pie plate.

It has cake with layers of thick pastry cream in between. chocolate ganache is the most common topping ingredient.

21. Blueberries

Image Source: indigo-herbs

It’s another delicious fruit best enjoyed in summer. Blueberries are sought after all over as they can be used to make pies, blended into fruity smoothies, or spread over yogurt.

You can also add this versatile fruit to your pancakes.

22. Baked Alaska

 Baked Alaska
Image Source: Britannica
Baked Alaska

Baked Alaska is a popular ice-cream cake from New York City. It is a lot like an igloo as it’s covered in meringue.

It has a base of sponge cake topped with ice cream in a semi-circle shape. Then the entire setup is covered with meringue. To ensure Baked Alaska maintains its shape put it in a freezer.

23. Banana Bread

Banana Bread
Image Source: farmerjacks
Banana Bread

Banana bread, also known as banana cake, is a moist, delicious cake prepared with fresh bananas. Use fully ripe fruit to get a good, sweet banana taste. It’s simple to make as it’s just a loaf cake.

To make banana bread, mix all the wet ingredients first and then add the dry ones until you get a perfect blend. You can then serve it with an ice layer topping and butter, or just as it is.

24. Baklava

Image Source: hm1864

It’s a popular dessert from Greece and Turkey, prepared with Brazil nut mixture, filo pastry, and honey. The Turkish Baklava is prepared with a syrup made of water, sugar, lemon juice, and crushed pistachios.

The Greeks, on the other hand, use walnuts and cinnamon for filling. This gives a crunchy texture with an aromatic sweet taste.

25. Beignet

Image Source: holidayinnclub

It’s a French doughnut that is usually eaten as a snack. Beignet means “fritter.” This dessert is a little lighter than regular doughnuts.

It’s prepared with deep-fried choux pastry and filled with different fruits. Powdered sugar is usually added as a topping, and it gives a special taste.

26. Breadfruit

Image Source: yesmagazine

Prickly breadfruit is a common dessert or sweet snack in Asia and the Pacific region.

Pacific Islanders usually roast breadfruit in an underground oven, but no need to worry, you don’t have to remodel your kitchen as you can boil, bake, or steam ripe fruits.

For an exceptional tropical experience, bake your breadfruit with coconut filling and sprinkled sugar.

27. Blood Orange

Blood Orange
Image Source: robpyne
Blood Orange

Blood oranges have a distinct deep red color inside, given to it by anthocyanin, an antioxidant. They have a sweet and mildly tart taste which makes them delicious when eaten fresh, juiced, or used in salads or as dressings.

28. Bael Fruit

 Bael Fruit
Image Source: timesofindia.indiatimes
Bael Fruit

Bael fruit is a fruit native to India that is fibrous, orange on the inside, and tough, green outside.

It has a sweet but tart taste and is usually used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its many health benefits. Bael fruit can be taken as a juice, a sherbet, or dried and candied.

29. Boysenberries

Image Source: theguardian

Boysenberries, a hybrid fruit, have the texture and taste of blackberries, raspberries, and loganberries.

Boysenberries are reddish-purple and are bigger than blackberries or raspberries. They can used in sauces, desserts, jams recipes, or be taken fresh.

30. Blackberries

Image Source: nationaltrust

Blackberries are dark purple, juicy fruits with a sweet-tart taste. They are filled with fiber, vitamin C, and K.

They can be used in smoothies, jams, and pies or taken fresh.


There you have it, foods that with the B? It’s a long list, and most probably, there are foods mentioned in this list you have not heard of or tried.

Armed with these delicious foods that start with B, you can now cook through the alphabet or wow your guests with new dishes.