Foods That Help With Cramps

10 Foods That Help With Cramps

Foods that help with cramps should be on the list of things you know as a woman because you will definitely need them. When it comes to the time of the month when ladies experience their menstrual flow, some women feel cramps, and eating these foods during this period can feel some relief.

Most women experience their period differently, but painful cramping is very common. There isn’t a lot of good quality research to back up individual foods as cramp-relieving remedies, so we’ll review what evidence there is so you can decide if you want to try these foods.

Let’s get to know why women experience cramps;

A lot of women report painful period cramps, which happen when your uterine muscles contract to shed tissue.

This muscle contraction temporarily blocks the oxygen supply to your uterus, releasing chemicals that trigger pain.

Healthy Foods That Help With Cramps

What you eat can greatly impact the severity of your menstrual pain and cramps. Here are the foods that help with cramps you need to add to your diet if you want to reduce your menstrual symptoms naturally.

1. Water

Image Source: Plant Based with Amy

It is a fact that hydration is vital for your overall health and may help you feel less period pain.

In one study with 140 women, half increased their water intake, while the other half didn’t. The women who drank more water used fewer painkillers and reported less severe cramps than the group that didn’t change their water intake.

Also, remember that water isn’t the only way to hydrate;  you can also take coffee, tea, dairy or plant-based milk, soup, and juicy fruits like oranges all count toward your fluid intake.

2. Oranges

Image Source: Medical News Today

Another food to take during your period is Orange. Oranges are a tasty source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant.

A lot of researchers believe that antioxidants may help alleviate menstrual cramps, but the evidence is mixed.

There are many types of antioxidants, however, and this research doesn’t address oranges specifically. Oranges do have high water content though, so they are a good fruit for hydration.

3. Oats

Image Source: Food Network

Oats lovers get in here, as a lady oat is one of the foods you should love eating because there is a lot of benefits to your health, which might include helping with period pain.

However, eating oats can be a delicious way to add fiber to your diet. Oats are also a source of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B1.


4. Salmon

Image Source: Star Seafoods

Eating fatty fish can help alleviate cramps and breast tenderness. Fishes like salmon and other cold-water fish are rich in fatty acids known as omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids help to reduce inflammation, which makes them good for general pain relief including the pain of menstrual cramps, according to one small trial.

Besides being a healthy source of protein, salmon is also a great source of vitamins D and B6. Vitamin D helps you to absorb calcium, another nutrient that can make period pain more manageable.

Vitamin B6 can help with the breast tenderness and irritability you might be experiencing along with your cramps.

5. Cruciferous Vegetables, like Broccoli

Image Source: Healthline
Cruciferous Vegetables

Some vegetables that are cruciferous like Broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, and others are very good sources of fiber, calcium, and magnesium.

These vegetables are also high in iron. Blood loss during your period can significantly lower your overall iron levels, so it’s important to get it in your diet.

Whether this will help with cramps specifically isn’t clear at this point.

6. Prunes

Image Source: Real Simple

Have you tasted Prunes, or dried plums before? They are rich in fiber and many other beneficial vitamins and minerals. Also, they are a great source of boron.

Boron is discovered to less severe period cramps when taken as supplements by women. Eating prunes or dried plums gives you the availability of the nutrients you need to help with your cramps.

7. Avocados

Image Source: Felix Instruments

How do you love your avocados, whether you eat them blended in a smoothie, spread on toast, or mashed into guacamole, avocados are high in boron, magnesium, fiber, and antioxidants.

Some researchers suggest that these nutrients can help with period cramps, although there are no studies yet that have specifically tested if increasing your avocado consumption will lessen your cramps.


8. Dark Chocolate

Image Source: Yumbles
Dark Chocolate

A lot of ladies love dark chocolate and they may not know what effect it has on cramps. Dark Chocolate is both tasty and a good source of iron and magnesium.

Eating enough iron can help prevent iron deficiencies. Menstruation causes iron levels to dip as a person loses blood and can cause anemia in people with very heavy periods.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), people with heavy periods or menorrhagia lose significantly more iron per menstrual cycle than those with “normal menstrual bleeding.”

9. Lentils and Beans

Image Source: The Old Farmer’s Almanac
Lentils and Beans

Lentils and beans are another source of iron and are high in protein. Eating enough protein is essential for health, and during menstruation, it may help curb cravings for less healthy options.

Legumes also contain the essential mineral zinc which could ease painful period cramps.

10. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Image Source: Olive Wellness Institute
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is among foods that help with cramps that retains more nutrients and antioxidants than processed olive oils, so it’s typically the best option for menstrual cramps.

Animal studies are an important tool in scientific discovery, but the results aren’t always the same for humans.

At the moment, there aren’t any studies involving humans that back up the claims that extra virgin olive oil can help reduce period pain.

However, extra virgin olive oil can be part of a healthy, varied diet, which is great for your overall health.

In conclusion, Painful cramps are the most uncomfortable part of menstruation for many women who pass through it.

As listed above some foods that help with cramps and other period-related discomforts, while others can make them worse.

However, there is no quality research that states that any of these specific foods works magically on period cramps when eaten.

But there is some evidence that staying hydrated and certain foods that help with cramps can ease your period pain.

So, eating a high-quality, balanced diet with plenty of diverse whole foods may also help with your period cramps and your general health/well-being.